Celebrating International Women’s Day & the essence of the Wild Woman

A variation of Camel Pose in Yoga, a backbend to stretch the chest, shoulders and neck whilst strengthening glutes and quad muscles.

This week we are celebrating women all over the word with International Women's Day and Mother's Day this coming Sunday.

These two days are deeply intertwined with the essence of the wild woman in their celebration of femininity, strength and nurturing qualities. 

International Women's Day honours the accomplishments and struggles of women and similarly, Mother's Day recognises and honours the love, care and sacrifices of mothers, embodying the nurturing spirit of the wild woman archetype. 

Just as International Women's Day champions women's rights and empowerment, embracing the wild woman archetype every day in your practice, will encourage you to reclaim your authenticity, embrace your wild instincts and honour your unique identity. 

Both of these days celebrate the power and vitality of women, promoting liberation and self-expression.

How can we connect with our wild woman energy?

Wild woman energy is one of my favourite yoga themes and a beautiful way to connect with your inner spirit can be through the hand gesture known as Yoni Mudra.

Yoni Mudra - translates to womb or source, and this symbol is used to exert a positive impact on our immune system and to awaken energy at the base of the spine. Also known as kundalini.

Combining this Mudra with your yoga flow can align your divine feminine energy and reclaim your connection to the natural world and your intuitive spirit. 

During your practice perhaps consider whether the journey you’re on isn’t about becoming anything, but instead about unbecoming - unbecoming everything that isn’t really you.

Sit with this thought.

Close your practice aligning Yoni Mudra with your heart chakra. This spiralling wheel of energy reminds us that our journey must be taken inward.

Be fearless in the pursuit of your transformation.

From my heart to yours,

Namaste x

Image below: Yoni Mudra

Book recommendation: Women Who Run With The Wolves

Yoni Mudra a sacred hand gesture used in mediation and yoga to align energy.
One of my favourite books and a author who introduced me to wild woman energy. Women who run with wolves.

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