Viparita Virabhadrasana, also known as Reverse Warrior in Yoga. A fearless pose combining a backbend with opening the hips.

‘Within the fabric of your most exalted visions lie the shining threads of your soul’s purpose on this earth.’

Sophie Bashford

Reflection and mindfulness are two wonderful themes that can be incorporated into your Yoga practice. Self care and taking time for yourself is vital for your mental health. Listen to your intuition and believe in yourself and your dreams.

About me…

I don’t think I truly knew myself until I found yoga. For a long time I sacrificed my own authenticity for the needs and demands of others. I lived a manic life in London and took for granted the beauty of nature, stillness, even the air we breathe. Combined with some of life's battles, yoga saved me.   

Through asana and meditation I found time for myself again. I slowed down the pace of my life and refocussed on what was important - my happiness and the well being of my child. The practice of Yoga and mindfulness has been an empowering force that has changed me for the better and connected me with many. 

Through my own practice and experience I hope to help others who have suffered from mental health issues, trauma or illness, find enlightenment, encouragement and healing.

I hope to help not only women, but men and children at an adolescent age, to reconnect with themselves, their true nature and place within this world. It is only when we pause and take a moment to reflect, that we are able to see clearly, live in freedom and know our mind.

I look forward to you joining me on your journey of self-love and discovery.

Katherine x

Wild Thing also known as Camatkarasana in Yoga. A wonderful pose to strength your arms and upper torso, along with opening your chest and rotator cuff in the shoulder.

Yoga is a dance uniting movement with breath.

It calms the mind,
finds stillness within the soul and reaches to attain an inner peace.

Go deeper with expert guidance in my
private classes

Start your day how you mean to go on. Rise early, mediate, practice yoga, journal or perhaps write your to do list for the day. By accomplishing your daily tasks you are one step closer to realising your dreams. Practice makes progress.

‘One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.’ Dalai Lama

Your practice is your own and look very different day to day. The key is consistency. Some days you have more energy than others, some days may just be about meditation. Listen to your body and your heart.

Reflect, grow & thrive with meditation & breathwork.