Embracing playfulness in your yoga practice and in everyday life.

Life demands a lot of responsibility, but a touch of playfulness can infuse your daily routine with joy, creativity and a renewed sense of wonder.  In a world that can sometimes feel overly structured and routine-driven, embracing playfulness can be a breath of fresh air that sparks imagination and enhances your well-being. Explore how you can incorporate playfulness into your everyday, no matter where you are.

Embrace curiosity everywhere you go

Whether you're at work, in a park, or simply taking a walk, challenge yourself to approach familiar surroundings with new eyes. Explore new areas, ask questions, observe details, who knows what hidden gems you might uncover.

Find joy in the ordinary

Playfulness isn't about extravagant adventures; it's about finding delight in the simple things. This brings us back to the practice of gratitude. Transform mundane tasks into enjoyable experiences.  Incorporate dancing or music into your morning routine.  By infusing everyday activities with a playful twist, you'll infuse your life with laughter and positivity.  This positive mindset will vibrate into your relationships and all corners of your life.

Connect with others through play

Playfulness and laughing is contagious and sharing it with others creates memorable moments and deeper connections. Play is a powerful tool for learning and growth. Explore new hobbies. When you approach learning with a sense of playfulness, the journey becomes just as rewarding as the destination.

Creativity knows no bounds

Unleash your inner artist, dancer or singer! Allow your imagination to roam freely and without judgment. Playfulness thrives in the absence of self-criticism.

Nature is your playground

The great outdoors invites you to reconnect with movement and exploration. Venture outside, explore new routes, let the wind tousle your hair, the rain fall on your face, breathe in prana and let your inner child run wild.

Cultivate a playful mindset

Ultimately, playfulness is a mindset – a way of approaching life with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the unexpected. Release your attachment to outcomes and allow yourself to be fully present in each moment. Approach challenges as opportunities for growing and watch how your perspective shifts.

Incorporating playfulness into your everyday life doesn't require grand gestures; it's about infusing small moments with joy and wonder. By embracing your inner child and inviting playfulness into your world, you'll discover that life becomes a vibrant tapestry of laughter, connection and limitless possibilities.

You’re never too old to play.

From my inner child to yours,


Katherine x


Group classes in Vinyasa Flow yoga launching this week!


The Essence of Dristi in Yoga