Liberating emotions through Yoga

Often celebrated for it’s physical benefits, Yoga is also a sanctuary for emotional liberation and expression of body, mind and soul.

Breath as a bridge: When we draw our full awareness to our breath, it creates a bridge between external and internal worlds. With every inhale drawing in a renewed sense of calm and with every exhale releasing stress and tension in the muscles, joints and mind.  Each breath, channelling awareness and energy through both our physical and spiritual bodies.

Creating mindful movement: Physical postures can provide a canvas for expressing our emotions. Each stretch and twist wringing out tension, creating room for emotions to flow freely. A Vinyasa flow can be a dance, allowing you to move through joy, frustration and even moments of vulnerability. Accomplishing challenges poses, can create confidence and a renewed sense of self.

Embracing vulnerability: Yoga encourages us to embrace vulnerability, a quality often shunned in the outside world. In moments of stillness, we can allow for the layers of protection we wear daily to gently peel away. Through our practice, we are able to create a safe place to expose and acknowledge emotions that linger beneath the surface.  The mat, can become a sacred space, where we can honour our feelings, without judgment.

Savasana: The art of surrendering: In Savasana we are able to experience not only a physical release but an emotional one. Allowing the weight of accumulated stress and unexpressed emotions to evaporate.

Yoga is a holistic journey that encompasses the mind, body, and soul. It can be your sanctuary, providing a canvas to express, release and ultimately find freedom in expression. So next time you jump on the mat, close off your eyes and flow through your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions. Liberate your soul.

From my heart to yours,

Namaste x


Roger x


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