My Shop: Online & in-store now!

Today marks a significant milestone in my journey as an entrepreneur: the launch of my online shop. It's a moment I've been working towards for months and the mix of excitement, nerves and a touch of anxiety is almost overwhelming!

The journey to this point has been filled with hours of hard work, research and learning. From working with the incredible aromatherapy brand Therapie Life and selecting the right products, to learning how to make eco-friendly, refillable soy candles with the best quality and highest percentage fragrance oils, to building a user-friendly website and setting up all the logistical and financial aspects, it's been a whirlwind of activities - all whilst continuing my teaching and being a single mum.

As I launch my new website and shop, I can’t help but appreciate how far I've come. None of this would have happened without Tivadar Orosz, whom I have mentioned before. A true hero of mine.

Shortly after the launch, I received a notification - my first online sale! It's hard to put into words just how gratifying that feeling is. It's not just about the sale; it's proof that my efforts are paying off, that there's a demand for what I'm offering and that someone out there sees value in my products.

I wanted to share this news and my excitement with you all.

Looking ahead…

As I write this, I can't help but think about what lies ahead. The launch is just the beginning. I only intend to add more and more products as my brand and business grows. I am hoping to incorporate local produce from my family home, Woodside. Here we produce our own honey, wine as well as selling olive trees and other exotic plants. There is so much more to come! There will be challenges and hurdles to overcome, but I'm ready for them. This journey has been a testament to my dedication and I'm determined to see it through. I have big dreams for my shop and hopefully a new Wellness Studio one day, and I'm ready to work hard to turn them into a reality.

I'm looking forward to the adventures and challenges that await as I navigate the world of e-commerce. This journal serves as a reminder of where it all began, a dream, of a happy fulfilled life. I am overcome with joy to say that I have made that dream come true. Xx


Launching my gift cards - The gift of mental & physical well-being!

