Practicing self care during the Summer holiday

The school holidays have finally arrived and although it's been a busy year, sometimes the holidays can be the most challenging. So how do we find time to take care of ourselves during these periods?

It is important as parents to recharge and replenish our energy and taking care of ourselves means listening to our body and mind and giving them what they need.

Here are a few ways I plan to practice self-care during this Summer break:

Rest and Sleep: I'll make sure to get enough rest and sleep, going to bed early and sleeping in a little longer.  Going to bed early does wonders for my physical and mental rejuvenation and preparing me for the day ahead.

Engaging in Hobbies & Reconnecting with family & friends: Teddy and I will spend time doing the things we love, such as cycling, playing tennis, heading down to the beach, engaging in activities and socialising, using the time to strengthen our connections with family and friends. Sharing experiences with loved ones provides immense emotional support and happiness.  Not only this but making a conscious effort to spend time in nature and being outdoors helps me feel grounded and reconnected with the world around me.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation at home when Teddy is in bed or playing, helps me reduce stress and stay present in the moment. It's a chance to let go of worries about the past or future and appreciate the now.

Healthy Eating and Exercise: I'll nourish my body with nutritious food and engage in gentle exercise. Taking care of my physical health is an essential aspect of overall well-being.

Limiting Screen Time: While it's tempting to binge-watch shows or spend hours on social media, I'll be mindful of my screen time. Too much screen exposure can be draining, so I set limits and balance it with other activities such as reading and meditation.

Setting Boundaries: Saying "no" when needed and setting boundaries with responsibilities and commitments. This will ensure I have enough time for myself and avoid unnecessary stress.

Taking care of myself during the school holidays is not a selfish act but a necessary one. When I prioritize self-care, I can return to being a present and focussed mum, refreshed, reenergised, and ready to take on all challenges.

I'm excited about the weeks ahead and the opportunity to indulge in self-care. This holiday break is a chance to invest in myself and cultivate habits that will benefit me in the long run. Here's to making the most of these holidays and cherishing every moment of self-care and time with our loved ones.


Meditation: To cultivate self-compassion and finding time for yourself.

Find a quiet and comfortable space for reflection and restoration.  Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale gently through your mouth. Take each breath, deeper than the last and feel yourself becoming more and more present in this moment, with your thoughts, your body and your breath. Breathing in ease and exhaling distractions and your worries.

As your rest here, now take your awareness to your heart centre. Visualize a warm, radiant light glowing in this area, expanding with each breath. As this light grows, imagine it swaddling your entire body, surrounding you in a cocoon of self-compassion, warmth, love and protection. Perhaps ask yourself how you feel in this moment?

Use this time to reflect on the importance of self-compassion. Acknowledging that we are only human, that we all face challenges and imperfections and the importance of being kind to yourself, recognizing the love and care that you deserve.

Now bring your attention back to your breath. With each inhale, affirm to yourself, "I am worthy." With each exhale, repeat, "I deserve time for myself." Feel the truth and power behind these words as you say them in your mind, allowing them to permeate into your being.

Honour yourself and create space and for self-compassion. 

Now placing your hands over your heart and taking a few more deep breaths.  Feel the warmth and love within you. Know that you can return to this space of self-compassion and self-care at any time you need it. 

May you continue to tune into your body's needs, embracing any sensations that arise within you without judgment but love.

From my heart to yours,

Namaste x


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